Governor Walz Orders Flags Flown at Half-Staff in Honor of Lives Lost to COVID-19

Governor Tim Walz has directed all flags at state and federal buildings in Minnesota to be flown at half-staff from sunrise to sunset on Friday, March 19, 2021. He has directed flags to fly at half-staff on the 19th of every month to remember, mourn, and honor lives lost due to COVID-19.

“One year ago on March 21, 2020, we mourned the first death due to COVID-19 in Minnesota,” said Governor Walz. “Since that day, over 6,700 of our parents, spouses, friends, and neighbors have been lost due to COVID-19. As Minnesotans, we come together to remember and honor those who have passed during the last year of this deadly pandemic.”

“As we turn a corner in this pandemic, we must remain committed to honoring and supporting our neighbors and community members who have suffered unthinkable losses,” said Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan. “Minnesotans must continue to take steps to keep each other safe and prevent another surge of this deadly virus.”

Individuals, businesses, and other organizations are also encouraged to join in lowering their flags to honor Minnesotans who have lost their lives to COVID-19 and their families.