A message from Judy Smith Thill on Sharing the Load (https://www.nvfc.org/programs/share-the-load-program/)

It is OK to not be OK. This is a new world we are living in as first responders. Watch out for each other! Step in to help if you see another struggling! If you are struggling, reach out. Don’t stay silent! You might be worried about catching this virus on a call and giving it to your family members. Those of you who don’t respond as a career might have lost your full time job and are worried about finances. Maybe you are worried about family members getting the virus or surviving the indirect affects from it. Many of you can’t go back to the fire station and “hang-out” which is how many of us used to decompress. You still need that decompression though. So.. reach out to your sisters/brothers in public safety or family by phone, video chat, email, text, etc. You also have resources offered with MNFIRE, National Volunteer Fire Council or IAFF. Maybe you have a work EAP number. If it is you struggling, just please reach out! If you even think someone is struggling, step in and offer help!

MNFIRE Peer Support Line

IAFF webpage

National Volunteer Fire Council Share the Load Hotline