The Minnesota Fire Service Foundation will hold the annual service on the last Sunday in September. The 2019 service will be on September 29th.

The service will take place at the Minnesota Fire Memorial at the Minnesota State Capitol Grounds. The schedule as planned:

  • 10:45 – 11:15 Interfaith Service
  • 11:30 – 12:15 Honor Roll
  • 12:45 Escort Through the Sea of Uniforms
  • 1:00 – 2:30 Memorial Service

This event is free, but please register so the foundation can plan accordingly. Registration is located at (look for red button on the page).

During the 2019 program, a column will be unveiled honoring Robert Maki, a Keewatin firefighter who suffered a fatal heart attack at the fire station after returning from a fire at a local residence on Sept. 17, 1973. As part of the unveiling, a flag will be presented to his family.

A flag will also be presented to the family of Francis Edey, a St. Paul firefighter who was killed in a wall collapse while fighting a fire on Oct. 21, 1900.

Additionally, Governor Walz should be issuing a proclamation declaring the day to be Minnesota Fallen Firefighters Memorial Day and will order all flags lowered to half-staff.

Note: MFFMA isn’t responsible for this event nor the memorial. However, MFFMA fully supports both items since any effort to honor and remember those firefighters who paid the ultimate sacrifice is a great thing.