Emergency Medical Services Week is May 20 – 26, 2018

Governor Mark Dayton has proclaimed May 20th thru May 26th as Emergency Medical Services Week in Minnesota. This proclamation coincides with the nationwide recognition of National EMS Week.

This year’s national theme is: “EMS Strong: Stronger Together”

“Stronger Together” is a perfect description of your willingness to collaborate to improve the lives of others. Whether you work together within the same agency or you work with other public safety providers in different communities, each of you shares the ultimate goal of helping families who cannot help themselves, even if that means putting their needs before your own. For many, you answer that call without monetary reward but with purposeful abandonment of sleep, family activities, or your own leisure.

Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton and the Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board would like to take this opportunity to thank the women and men of our EMS community for your willingness and dedication to help others.

Please note that May 23rd is National EMS for Children Day, which reminds us of the awesome responsibility of caring for our State’s most precious asset.

Governor Dayton’s proclamation reads:

WHEREAS: Emergency medical services (EMS) are a critical public service; and

WHEREAS: Minneaota EMS team& include emergency physicians, physician assistants, emergency nurses, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, emergency medical responders, firefighters, law enforcement personnel, emergency medical dispatchers, educators, and administrators; and

WHEREAS: The Minnesota Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board has led efforts to protect the public’s health and safety through regulation and support of the EMS system since 1995; and

WHEREAS: EMS team members, many of them volunteers, are ready to provide lifesaving care to those in need 24 hours a day, &evl:n days a week; and

WHEREAS: Access to quality emergency care dramatically improves the survival and recovery rates of those who experience sudden illness or injury; and

WHEREAS: Injury prevention and appropriate use of the EMS system will help reduce health care costs; and

WHEREAS: The State of Minnesota recognizes the dedication and service of EMS providers.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, MARK DAYTON, Governor ofMinn.esota, do hereby proclaim the week of May 20-26, 2018, as: EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES in the State of Minnesota.