The annual Minnesota Fallen Firefighter Memorial Service is held each year on the last Sunday in September, which has been designated as the state’s official day to honor Minnesota’s fallen firefighters. Each event recognizes dozens of people, including newly discovered line of duty deaths and families the Minnesota Fire Service Foundation was able to track down since last year’s memorial service. The foundation coordinates the effort to recognize the state’s firefighters who died in the line of duty and provides support and resources to fire departments, firefighters and their families throughout Minnesota.

The 2017 Minnesota Fallen Firefighter Memorial Service ceremony will take place on the grounds of the State Capitol starting at approx. 1 p.m. on Sunday, September 24.


This year’s event will be held on Sunday, September 24, 2017. Please register in advance so we can comfortably accommodate all in attendance.


10:45 – 11:15 Interfaith Service
11:30 – 12:15 Honor Roll
12:45 – Escort Through the Sea of Uniforms
1:00 – 2:30 Memorial Service

The day begins with an interfaith service after which, honor guard personnel will read the honor roll. Families will enter the Capitol grounds through a sea of uniforms, and be escorted to their seats. Bells across Minnesota will ring to honor the state’s fallen firefighters. Family members and the public are welcome to spend time within the Fallen Firefighter Memorial and make etchings of their loved-one’s name.

Firefighters from across the state are expected to attend in order to show support for their fallen colleagues and the families they left behind.

This event is free, but please register so the foundation can plan accordingly. Registration is available at

For more information the memorial, visit