It is with great sadness that we announce the untimely and sudden passing of Goodhue Fire Chief Mike Kehren. He was not married at the time of his death and leaves behind three sons. He joined the fire service in 1993. He was Fire Chief of Goodhue Fire Department from 2008 until his death. He was a School Board member, Lions Club member, and active in the local snowmobile club.

All Minnesota Firefighters are invited to support Fire Chief Kehren’s family and celebrate his life. There will be seating available for visiting firefighters at the Goodhue Public School. There will be a Sea of Uniforms at the Goodhue Public School followed by a processional to the cemetery where an American Flag ceremony / presentation will take place. Apparatus arriving for the funeral will pre-stage at Goodhue Fire Station, 110 3rd Ave., Goodhue, MN. Please arrive no later than 1000 HRS., as all apparatus will process together to the Goodhue Public School at 1015 HRS. Parking location will be on the back side of the school.

Date: Saturday July 9, 2016
Time: 11:00am, with Graveside Service immediately following
Location: Goodhue Public School – 510 3rd Ave, Goodhue, MN (directly East of Fire Station)
Uniform: Class A or B – as available
Mourning Bands as available

If possible, RSVP your agency funeral attendance to PIO: “Chip” Krueger 651-212-3460 or